Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Avast Mr. So-Called-Christian! There's Trouble Below Deck!

Roast Buddy Nils Nichols sent a love note to "pastor" Terry Jones of Gainesville, Fla.
Yes, indeedy, that would be this Terry Jones, the anal tumor masquerading as a Christian leader, whose latest mission to his adoring flock is to burn a bunch of Korans, thereby combining the worst of Nazi, KKK and Homo Erectus philosophies into one corrosive stew of Hate. Burn in Hell shithead!

Even Saint David Petraeus has admonished this maggot. Check it out.

Here is Nils' billet doux:

It saddens me deeply to have to say that you are of the devil for preaching such things. You should be preaching tolerance and love; instead you have lowered yourself to the level of all other extreme religious fanatics. You are no better than those Muslims who practice violence, or the people in the U.S. who call themselves Christians, yet amass guns and preach violence against all non-Christians. Your actions will only lead to more deaths of American troops; more young Muslims joining the Al Qaeda and more attacks against America. You should ashamed of yourself for you will surely have blood on your hands. How dare you even call yourself a Christian.

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